9 years experience, 13,000 hrs of practice and hundreds of couples helped, means that we are ready to help with incredibly powerful results and turnarounds from even the most challenging and heartbreaking of situations:
Our experience includes: Infidelity, drug addiction, parenting conflict, financial disagreement and domestic abuse.
We know how it is to feel completely on the back foot where your relationship is concerned, it can be scary, intimidating, suffocating when you don’t know where to turn. We are here to help, with 13 years of experience and counting, we know we can shine some light on which direction is the best for you and the people around you. Help you find strength, courage and new ways to do things and really be able to communicate what you need your partner to hear in order to help you relationship grow and progress or finally bring it to a close. Either way, we work with what is right for you and your family.
It all starts with a damn good listening. You need one, your partner needs one and often so do your children.
Visit our homepage to find out what our clients say about us: https://www.damngoodlistener.com
See what our clients have to say about us in the video above
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