Couples Coaching: When love turns to pain, everyone needs a damn good listening to

“It's not just about making you feel better, it's about digging deep into what is causing those feelings and instead of putting a band-aid on, addressing where it comes from and why I feel that way, so I can move forward and grow. He truly cares from the bottom of his heart”
D and T - East Canada
“For me I like Ben's style with humour, we still have to get into the work, but me personally, humour is something I resonate with and puts me in a comfortable place”
J and I - Midlands UK
“Ben gets me and touches on a part of my soul that has been neglected. His intuition and ability to go away and come back to something is beautiful.”
R and S - North East UK
“Ben has a gift to be able to communicate that we have self worth. He hits it hard without any caution or carefulness, it is raw and direct without packaging - his message is always - you are enough, you are lovable, you are doing great”
S and S - North East UK
“Ben has helped me with expression not suppression of my feelings. Ben has done a lot of his own work on his own happiness and marriage. I love to see someone walking the talk, it makes it very real and easy to follow”
D and S - South Wales
“Some of our friends thought we were the model couple, but behind there were several points of contention, blame, anger, sulking and disharmony. Since inviting Bens help & support, we've basically started again and the connection between us is now real, and stronger than it's ever been before and growing by the week”
M and A - Milton Keynes UK
Listen and tune into our ‘Going deeper’ podcast. Where we get under the skin and unpack the subjects that people just don’t want to talk about (but need to). Its amazing! Please like and subscribe, it means a lot to us.
When love turns to pain, everyone needs a damn good listener..
With over 12 years of coaching experience, we help people that are in marriage breakdown situations. We help couples and families understand each other, forgive each other, let go of what’s not serving them and reconnect to build a stronger, more loving and happier relationship.
When you can clearly see what’s gone wrong and why, feeling compassionate with yourselves and those around you becomes very simple. It’s not easy; we’ve found that we have to learn and work at cultivating happiness, but we also know it’s worth working for.
Excellent communication is the heartbeat of all healthy and sustainable relationships. And excellent communication starts with a damn good listening to.